News list for " oev"

API3 will build an OEV network on Arbitra Orbit

On June 27, API3, a decentralized Web3 oracle, announced that the strategic focus of its OEV network development has shifted to be based on Arbitrum Orbit to recapture the oracle extractable value (OEV) of loan agreements.

2024-06-27 11:06:54
API3将在Arbitrum Orbit上构建OEV网络

6月27日消息,去中心化Web3预言机API3宣布其OEV网络发展的战略重点转向以Arbitrum Orbit为基础,以重新捕获贷款协议的预言机可提取价值(OEV)。

2024-06-27 11:06:54